Saturday, March 17, 2007

Bathroom Surprise #2

Ok, I remembered another story worth typing. You can thank Jamie for reminding me of it. Just wanted to say that so she can't complain about me writing this.

Maybe 2.5, 3 years ago a friend was moving some of their stuff into our basement to store for a couple months. He/she (identities have been altered for privacy protection) had a couple friends helping, and at some point one of them stopped for a bathroom break. Nothing special in itself, but after they left I went to use the washroom myself and discovered something interesting. I lifted the toilet seat and found that a deposit had been made and not flushed. Now, while being quite gross, this isn't the really weird part that I'm writing about. I mean, who hasn't maybe forgot to flush before. Accidents happen. I can't blame the guy/girl too much for taking a dump and not flushing. The thing that startled me and made this particular "non-flusher" stick in my memory was the fact that there was absolutely no TP in the toilet with the turd. I'm not talking about a small turd either, it was huge. The person had clearly let one go and not wiped. And it wasn't just that we were out of TP, it was right there on the wall beside the toilet. I don't know, maybe it wasn't soft enough and he was just making a statement that we need to buy better toilet paper (I'm just using he from here on in for simplicity sake - don't read anything in to it). I guess the good thing though was that even if he didn't wash his hands it didn't really matter as there wasn't anything to wash off. It still creeped me out though, and I made Jamie sani-flush the toilet and bathroom door knob. Sometimes stuff just creeps me out and I can't (don't want to) get over it.

To this day Jamie claims that the toilet must have just sucked down the toilet paper and nothing else. Now, our toilet does suck, and often doesn't get everything down in the first flush, but her theory clearly lacks the basic understanding of some pretty simple physics principals. I don't personally know which ones, but I do know they're there and that they can't be broken, simply allowing paper to be sucked down while leaving a turd behind.

So that's it. Not too interesting, but something at least. So far all my stories involve people leaving stuff in my bathroom. Maybe I'll branch out in the future, but for now I'll write about what I know best. Maybe this will teach all of you people out there to stop leaving gross stuff in my bathroom. And if anyone tries to leave an upper tanker I'll know who you are, and I won't leave out names. Be very afraid, I think there are two people who may have read some of the last post.


Karen said...

What the heck is an upper tanker. It just sounds so gross! You are disgusting to have thoughts like this.

JennM said...

I love it!! I am sitting at my desk busting a gut!!! More, more, we want more!!!

Paige said...

I am slightly concerned that all of your traumatic moments occur in the bathroom... However, your painful moments bring me enjoyment, so I won't focus on this now. Maybe later.

Jamie said...

Kyle, you're so mean. Now nobody will ever want to use our bathroom or take a shower at our house. I am 99% certain that that guy used TP and flushed. Our toilet just sucks!
And I'd also like to point out how nice I was when I sani-foamed the bathroom (including the door knob)after the incident because you're such a nut.

DaveJenn said...

i kinda wanna leave you an upper tanker now . . . just thinking of doing it makes me giggle . . .